Second Edition of BAH (Bakery After Hours)
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Second Edition of BAH (Bakery After Hours)
The second edition of BAH (Bakery After Hours) happened last week - see photos on Flickr. BAH is a social networking event we started with Kim Novick and Paul Dewey, which brings together professionals interested in innovation, inspiration and positive change. The highlight of the evening is the BAH-Slam, similar to a poetry slam but the participants are drawn from the business, art and non-profit worlds.
The name is derived from our venue, Nashoba Brook Bakery in Concord, MA. We take the room over once the café has closed, hence Bakery After Hours. Moreover, we have lots of fun saying BAH.
The September 23rd's BAH-Slam featured:
Gwen Acton, PhD, who is CEO of Vivo Group, strategic consultants who play at the intersection of science and business. She also heads up a non-profit group, Women Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology (WEST), is the author of the book "The Bluffer's Guide to Genetics" and can talk from experience about both Harvard and MIT.
Wayne Maceyka who is innately inquisitive. He holds an ME from Worcester Polytechnic and a freshly minted Sustainable MBA from Bainbridge Graduate Institute. His passion: creating resilient economies to generate, restore, & preserve capital -- social, natural, & financial. When not saving the world, he works for the measurement technology firm Mettler-Toledo. See also Wayne's post about the event at his blog The (un)Sustainable Commentator.
Vinnie Sestito, a creater of event experience buzz. He is a trusted communications advisor who has worked with headline entertainers and thought provoking speakers producing public and private events throughout the world. His new venture, Experience Partners, leverages the power of conversation to effect change.
Bartlett Interactive started BAH to promote interesting businesses, ideas and people in the area. Future BAHs will be held bi-monthly. If you'd like to be notified of when future events will be held or speaking opportunities e-mail us at
with a Booster program for Healthcare companies.