Drupal and Enterprise Content Management Systems
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Drupal and Enterprise Content Management Systems
Here are highlights taken from a recent Dries Buytaert keynote address about how Drupal can serve the enterprise market as well as how Drupal compares to other CMSs. Dries is the founder of Drupal and Acquia.
Drupal is the CMS behind 12% of the web’s top 100,000 most-visited websites. This far exceeds competitor applications such as Adobe CQ5 and SiteCore.
Over 1 million websites are powered by Drupal.
Over 50% of the top media companies use Drupal. This includes Warner Music, with over 300 websites on Drupal.
GE made the switch from TeamSite and Vignette to Drupal, because the other applications are more difficult to use and slower to develop with.
Weather.com is moving from Percussion to Drupal. Weather.com is one of the top 25 websites by traffic.
Typical licensing fees for SiteCore and Adobe CQ5 are in the $200,000 range. Because Drupal is open source, it is free.
It has been estimated that the average cost for an Adobe CQ5 for enterprise implementation is $1.4 million.
7 of the top 8 universities, including about 2,500 websites, use Drupal. The universities that use Drupal include: Stanford, Harvard and MIT.
Drupal scales well, as demonstrated by the Drupal-powered Grammy Awards show website that had 460 million hits in one night. Also, during hurricane Sandy, 5.1 million people went to the New York MTA website which was the only site with traffic information that stayed live throughout the storm.
Over 28,000 developers around the world contribute to Drupal in a year.
Acquia, a company that provides enterprise level Drupal support and hosting, is the second fastest growing technology company in the US with 440 employees (source Deloitte).
We have used Drupal for most every site build since 2005. We are pleased with it and very much looking forward to Drupal 8. See Drupal development projects we have used it for.
with a Booster program for Healthcare companies.