Cooler Concord Branding & Website Design
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Cooler Concord Branding & Website Design
Cooler Concord is a community organization that advocates for energy conservation opportunities for Concord, Massachusetts residents. Their goal is to help residents save money and reduce harmful CO2 emissions. Bartlett worked with Cooler Concord to develop an identity, a website, and materials for their Cooler Concord Fair.
The logo was designed to promote the idea of “cooling down” using an icy blue and a frosty texture. The arrow pointing down eludes to reducing carbon emissions and reversing global warming.
The goal of the Cooler Concord website was to reach Concord residents with information, news, and events about energy conservation. This resource would help residents engage with actions that have a meaningful and substantial impact on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to act as a hub for all things sustainable in town. The site provides a platform for individuals and groups to get involved, set goals, track progress, and join in the sustainability efforts for the town.
To catch resident’s attention—including the younger crowd— we used a simple yet vibrant (bordering on neon) color palette. This color palette screams “You don’t want to miss this!” Since time is running out for reversing the effects of climate change, the colors needed to convey a sense of urgency.
We paired down the site navigation to just two links: “Ways to Save” and “About.” The navigation design allows residents to get to a desired action quickly without needing to negotiate irrelevant content or additional pages. The Cooler Concord website was a custom build developed in WordPress.
Bartlett also worked with the team at Cooler Concord to create promotional materials for the Fair.
with a Booster program for Healthcare companies.