Somerville Early Childhood Hub is a place to find what young children & their families need to play, learn and thrive in Somerville, MA. This Somerville Early Childhood Hub online resource is a community effort made possible by Race to the Top - Early Learning Challenge Grant funding support from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC), and led by the Early Learning Challenge Advisory Committee which includes representatives from the Somerville Public Schools, SomerPromise, CAAS Head Start, Tufts University's Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development, Somerville Family Learning Collaborative, Capuano Early Childhood Center, and Open Center for Children.
To provide Somerville residents, service providers and educators with easy access to current information on all community resources available for children ages birth to 8.
The site has become a valuable resource to those who need access to the programs and services, has become well-known among families and service providers and acts as a trusted online resource to Somerville residents.