Online & Website Term Glossary

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The Glossary is an educational tool to help people understand the different aspects of website development and internet marketing. 

This stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. LAMP or a LAMP stack is the software that is used to run a CMS on the web server.


LAMP is the most prevalent web hosting environment. Other alternatives such as a Windows IIS server will run a Drupal or WordPress site but it is more time consuming and there can be complications.


These are pages that typically have a strong call to action (CTA) to convert anonymous users into known prospects. Landing pages are used often as part of a search marketing, advertising or email campaign.

Take Away:

If Google Adwords or another type of Pay Per Click campaign is being used, make sure you have a good landing page to not only test different CTAs but also understand how well the ad campaign is performing.

Landing Page Optimization, also known as LPO, is the process by which you optimize a customized landing page to increase conversions. 

A contact or user that has converted on your site.


This is the process of creating interest in a product or service. Internet marketing techniques include using Calls to Action (CTAs) to convert anonymous users into known prospects.


If your site is used for marketing purposes, take the time to understand how you can be using it to generate leads. 

Building ongoing relationships with potential new clients with the hopes of receiving business from them in the future when they are ready to purchase. 

This is a phrase often used by designers to express the view that a minimalist approach to design, results in a more effective solution. Another related phrase is ‘design equals addition through subtraction’. The process entails stripping away nonessential words, images, and layout shapes, leaving what is most important, so it can be communicated without distraction.


The process of obtaining backlinks from relevant websites while also linking out to relevant sites. This area has evolved and no longer is it the person that has the most links considered the best link builder. The quality of the links matter more than ever.

The first step is developing quality content that in turn will deliver quality backlinks from authority sites that are relevant in your industry. By having many unnatural or irrelevant links, it can lead to penalties. Search engines will see that as deceptive or black hat SEO.

Typically used for email marketing, this is the method by which you categorize recipient lists based on different factors.

These can include location, age, industry, and many others. 


Common or broad keywords typically have more competition thus making it difficult to rank high for. By targeting SEO towards long tail keywords along with common ones it makes ranking high easier for terms that are more specific to your organization. Users from these search queries will be more qualified and will allow ranking higher to be easier.

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